Design - examples


This ist the horse of the WM-organizers



Brown "Pafi"

Swiss and Icelandic flag (in the form of the countries)

Julius vom Oedhof


This design is based on the wonderful website from Islandpferde-Gestüt Oedhof.


Vinur vom Mönchhof

The unique idea of creating a bronze look for Julius, had Jens Füchtenschnieder from the "Mönchhof". Vinur is now at its new place and to admire here.

This Julius has a real-bronze coating. It has almost all the characteristics of "solid bronze", is weather resistant and is changing more and more under the weather influence. Here the antique patina is achieved by a chemical reaction.

Julius from Germany

On the occasion of the 50th German Icelandic horse championship I designed this Julius.

This is a Brown Check with black mane and tail. The white patches are in the form of the individual states of Germany and the German champions of this year had the honor to sign it.

Julius von Grenzdyck

Julius von Möllenbronn

Julia Aatz


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